Title: Midnight Choir - 2019 Size: 64" x 36" Medium: Woods, paper collage, oil paint. SOLD
There's something very gripping when I see a high utility wire, loaded down with a flock of birds. An entire community, perched and connected by delicate threads. Such a scene sends me into immediate metaphorical associations - Here is a congregation, both dedicated and dependent upon these sacred wires, circuits pulsing like arteries for a digital culture. --- Ironic too that this holy web of wires serves to sustain our way of life… but likewise makes us more vulnerable to larger unseen forces.*
A little encomium here to the songwriter Leonard Cohen, for his inspiring song Bird on a Wire… from which I borrowed part of a lyric line, "Like a drunk in a midnight choir". Midnight Choir, apropos.
* viz. loss of data/information and privacy to corporate manipulation, or government overreach... or broad technological dehumanization.