"Humble Pie" - 2021 35" x 37" Wood, fabric, oil paints SOLD
My creative pendulum seems to swing back and forth …from works I consider more serious & reflective, to the purely whimsical works such as Humble Pie. My intention here is merely to tug a smile. :)
As someone who has done editorial illustration for 36 years, I have a couple bookshelves full of 3-ring binders… loaded with “unused” sketch concepts - fodder perhaps for future woodworks? Within those binders I found a funny little sketch, and baked up ol’ Humble Pie. :)
I’m skewering our easy slip into unchecked ‘pride’ here; on the list of “the 7 deadly sins”. It crossed my mind to do a series of all the seven sins - who knows. For now that pendulum I mentioned is swinging back to more sober projects.