Title: "Farthing's Passage" - 2018 Size: 48" x 51" Medium: Woods, metal, collage, oil paint
For about two years now my work has had a core theme connecting them together, the life & times of our digital epoch.
This is the seventh piece sharing this thematic thread. ---- My staging in this piece is similar to my smaller earlier works, juxtaposing a bygone image/symbol against imagery that has references to our digital times.
For those bicycle enthusiasts out there, you'll recognize a Farthing Penny…buffeted by the binary winds of change.
Perhaps I'm a landscape artist… but rather than replicating the things of nature, I'm looking at the nature of things.
For about two years now my work has had a core theme connecting them together, the life & times of our digital epoch.
This is the seventh piece sharing this thematic thread. ---- My staging in this piece is similar to my smaller earlier works, juxtaposing a bygone image/symbol against imagery that has references to our digital times.
For those bicycle enthusiasts out there, you'll recognize a Farthing Penny…buffeted by the binary winds of change.
Perhaps I'm a landscape artist… but rather than replicating the things of nature, I'm looking at the nature of things.