Title: "Squash" - 2014 Size: 25" x 18" Medium: basswood, acrylics, sand
My attempt with this piece (and "Frog Friar") was to again speak about the woes of our petroleum controlled culture. By simulating a time-laden artifact, and emulating the stylistic vernacular of a bygone culture (in this case Sumerian/Mesopotamian art) I was aiming at presenting this contemporary issue within a historical packaging/perspective - ("meaning by association").
I was hoping to suggest that we might see our ways from sort of a promontory….
as though looking back from a future perspective at remnants of this primitive (and hopefully soon "bygone petroleum-based") culture of ours.
My attempt with this piece (and "Frog Friar") was to again speak about the woes of our petroleum controlled culture. By simulating a time-laden artifact, and emulating the stylistic vernacular of a bygone culture (in this case Sumerian/Mesopotamian art) I was aiming at presenting this contemporary issue within a historical packaging/perspective - ("meaning by association").
I was hoping to suggest that we might see our ways from sort of a promontory….
as though looking back from a future perspective at remnants of this primitive (and hopefully soon "bygone petroleum-based") culture of ours.