Title: "Return" - 2015 Size: 43" x 31" Medium: bass, pine and plywood's,metal, leather, vending coin-op parts • SOLD
The concept for "Return" was an evolutionary discovery within the playground of my sketchbook…
Some six months back I felt compelled to tinker with a "horse theme" (for unknown reasons),
and soon several metaphorical directions unfolded, some whimsical…some more sober.
I settled on a "reap what you sow" allegory - the karmic outcome that arrives from our choices.
WIth the bi-directional staging I was intending to contrast fruition of potential on the right (beauty/refinement),
juxtaposed to a more tattered, fallow & neglected state to it's left.
... A reflection that our circumstances are usually a "return on our investment".
Some six months back I felt compelled to tinker with a "horse theme" (for unknown reasons),
and soon several metaphorical directions unfolded, some whimsical…some more sober.
I settled on a "reap what you sow" allegory - the karmic outcome that arrives from our choices.
WIth the bi-directional staging I was intending to contrast fruition of potential on the right (beauty/refinement),
juxtaposed to a more tattered, fallow & neglected state to it's left.
... A reflection that our circumstances are usually a "return on our investment".